New Forklift QuoteTemplate

SRA gives you the ability to convert your forklift quote worksheet to a  custom proposal that is unique to dealer and manufacturer specifications. A new template option has been created so that  you can add a picture of a forklift to the proposal as it is being...

New SRA Reporting Feature

A new reporting feature has been added to the SRA forklift sales software for dealerships and manufacturers with SRA server installations. The new option will allow users to access worksheet data based on assigned reporting levels. Authorization levels determine the...

Are You Using SRA to Its Greatest Potential?

Sales Rep’s Assistant (SRA) is a very powerful tool. We recently took the time to write out a laundry list of the features and benefits of SRA. We made note of 75 individual features and benefits, and I think, if we really wanted to get down into the minutia, we...